
會(huì )員登錄

Safety and specification

Huimeng technology adheres to the policy of "safety first and prevention first", firmly establishes the concept of safety development, refines responsibilities, strengthens on-site supervision and regulation, deepens the investigation and treatment of hidden dangers, promotes safe production in a legal, standardized, standardized and systematic way, and continuously improves the level of safe production management.

Huimeng technology has passed the three ISO international standardization system certification of quality management system, environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system. Since 2017, a total of 32 million yuan has been invested in the field of safety production, the United States DuPont safety management improvement project certified by international authority has been introduced, and SIS safety instrument system and ESD emergency shutdown system have been installed to achieve the goal of zero accident safety production.

At the same time, Huimeng technology regularly organizes safety production training and assessment for relevant posts, and repeatedly carries out various safety production related activities such as post emergency response skill competition, fire comprehensive practical drill and safety production knowledge competition, so as to implement the policy of "safety first and prevention first" into the daily work of front-line posts.

Safety and specification
Safety and specification
Safety and specification
Safety and specification
Safety and specification
Safety and specification
Safety and specification
Safety and specification
Safety and specification

Environment and nature

Based on the principle of sustainable development, Huimeng technology strives to coordinate the relationship between economic interests, ecological environment and natural resources. Through the in-depth implementation of the scientific outlook on development, timely and compliant disclosure of environmental protection publicity information of various projects, and constantly accelerate the formation of industrial structure and production mode of energy conservation and emission reduction, so as to comprehensively promote ecological and environmental protection and high-quality economic development.

Huimeng technology has been sparing no effort to respond to the national strategic policies on ecological environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, so as to achieve the long-term goals of 2030 carbon peak and 2060 carbon neutralization. In September 2021, Huimeng technology decided

Invest 250 million yuan to implement the distributed energy project and realize the cogeneration of heat and power in Chengwu chemical industry park, which not only saves the country's precious fuel resources, achieves the goal of energy conservation and consumption reduction, but also improves the air pollution caused by waste gas. In the same year, Huimeng technology demolished the 35 ton circulating fluidized bed boiler planned to be built with an investment of 80 million yuan, which was a positive response of Huimeng technology

The state should issue a policy to ban 35 ton coal-fired units and a major measure to reduce carbon emissions.


Since 2017, Huimeng technology has invested more than 600 million yuan in ecological and environmental protection and reducing carbon emissions, and added advanced environmental protection devices such as solid waste incineration, wastewater evaporation, wastewater electrolytic oxidation biochemical treatment and waste gas regenerative oxidation, so as to realize the harmonious development of economic interests, ecological environment and natural resources.

Care for employees

Huimeng technology respects and attaches importance to every employee, provides a safe and healthy working environment for Huimeng people in all production bases across the country, and strives to become a platform for each Huimeng person to give full play to their abilities and talents. Huimeng technology encourages every employee to plan and imagine the way of career development. In order to achieve this goal, we not only strive to improve the professional skills of employees, but also organize a variety of recreational and sports activities and training in various forms. By caring for the physical and mental health of each employee, we can fully explore the potential of each employee.

No matter what degree of scientific and technological progress, the sustainable development of enterprises is inseparable from a cohesive, creative and executive team. Therefore, we are well aware that more than 750 Huimeng people in China are the priceless wealth of Huimeng technology. Only when the enterprise and employees make common progress and develop at the same frequency, can we truly achieve the goal of win-win and achieve practical sustainable development.

Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees
Care for employees

Social activities

Enterprise is an important basic carrier in modern social system. Modern enterprises should not only be responsible for profits, but also for the environment, but also bear the corresponding social responsibility. Since its establishment, Huimeng technology has been practicing this development concept, not only supporting various local undertakings, but also offering advice and sharing social pressure as much as possible.

We are not satisfied with simply donating money and materials. We have also sent comfort teams to communities, schools and armed police stations for many times. We have not only sincerely served fellow villagers, students, the people's Liberation Army and armed police comrades, but also provided spiritual baptism to many Huimeng people who participated in the volunteer team.

In particular, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Sino technology has made full use of its advantages and has been more proactive in supporting the whole society's struggle against epidemics.


? a total of 40000 yuan was donated to the nursing home of Dangji town;

? donated 60000 yuan to the armed police Chengwu squadron;

? donated 180000 yuan to wangcaomiao administrative village and other surrounding poor villages;

? in April 2017, donated 20000 yuan to Chengwu County Love Association;

? in October 2017, donated 100000 yuan to Chengwu County Education Association;

? in October 2018, donated 100000 yuan to Chengwu County Education Association;

? in February 2020, donate 23 tons of disinfectant stock solution to the society;

? in February 2021, donate 7 tons of disinfectant stock solution to the society;

? in March 2022, donated 16 tons of disinfectant stock solution to the society, and went to the North Chengdu Wuhan Expressway to express condolences to the on-site epidemic prevention and control personnel during the epidemic period.

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